The Writer's Den
A Series of Articles on Writing, published by Fantasy FactionWhen the call went out for contributors to Fantasy Faction, I thought good and hard about whether I could add something to the site. Fantasy Faction has only been around for around 6 months, but has already grown to become a hub for Fantasy lovers around the world. I came up with The Writer's Den as my way of giving back to both Fantasy Faction, and the writing community that has done so much for me, and the world in general.
The Writer's Den is a series of articles geared towards writers that give my take on various topics, from picking a world to write your story in, to writing a good critique for another writer. The hope is that, while I am not the most experienced writer in the world, I can share some of what I have learned with the rest of the world, and maybe help people write some great stories!
Articles currently published on Fantasy Faction include:- Writer's Den: Inspiration's Inspiration
- Writer's Den: Lights, Camera, Action!
- Writer's Den: Plotters vs. Pantsers
- Writer's Den: Magically Systematic
- Writer's Den: Using Game Worlds in Writing
- Writer's Den: Describing the Indescribable
- Writer's Den: What's In A Name?
- Writer's Den: Using Feedback to Better Your Work
- Writer's Den: Writing a Good Critique
- Writer's Den: Developing Supporting Characters
- Writer's Den: Picking a World