Giving Back

2012-Dec-23 -> from the spirit-of-the-season department Tags: linux community giveaway 

A while back, the FOSS community came out and did me a favor. A had no idea that when I posted the call for action to raise money for Ken Starks, that the community would respond in such a big way. In the end, we raised over $51,000 for a great man, and made his life in dealing with cancer much, much easier. It proved to me the power of the Linux community.

I wanted to give back, and so I delivered a digital copy of my debut novel, The Time Weaver, to each and every person who donated to that campaign. I don't think that's nearly enough.

To be honest, I feel like my ledger is in the red to the FOSS community. I've taken a lot; by asking for money, by using the awesome software that the community produces, by asking the community to help me promote my book on more than one occasion.

I'm hoping that the giveaway I have going on right now brings that ledger a little closer to black, though in truth I'll always feel like I owe the community a little.

Today (Dec 23, 2012), tomorrow, and Xmas day, The Time Weaver eBook will be free for the taking on Amazon, worldwide. And hey, if you don't like Amazon (and I know a great many of you don't), just fire me a message, and I'll send you a digital copy in a format of your choice. Consider this a Xmas gift from me to you.

The FOSS community gives away software all the time, and a great deal of it requires a great deal of time and effort to put together. I've never had a problem taking and using their software, and enjoying the fruits of their labor, and thus I no longer have any trepidations about giving away my book.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to the entire FOSS community, for everything you do. Don't ever stop. :)

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I'm always interested in hearing what you have to say. Contact Me, I'd love to hear from you.

Don't forget to join in on the conversation in the comments section below.


By Ia Uaro on Sun 23 Dec 2012 05:51:02 pm [ Reply ] Good work Thomas. Happy holidays!

By Thomas A. Knight on Sun 23 Dec 2012 05:52:58 pm [ Reply ] Thanks, Ia. Happy Holidays to you and yours as well. :)

By Dave Price on Mon 24 Dec 2012 02:06:31 am [ Reply ] Thomas, I have already been rewarded. If I had not seen your appeal I would not have discovered your excellent work. As I have said before I loved reading Time Weaver (twice so far) and am waiting with bated breath for Legacy.

Seasons Greetings

By Thomas A. Knight on Mon 24 Dec 2012 10:42:55 am [ Reply ] Thanks again, Dave. Legacy is out with the editor right now. I'm patiently awaiting it's return to see how much more work I have to do. :) Happy Holidays to you and yours.

By Terri on Sun 30 Dec 2012 12:36:42 am [ Reply ] I am a big fantasy-sci fi fan and saw your book on Amazon. The reviews were very positive so I downloaded it (yours was the first book I read on my new tablet to read on Kindle). Enjoyed it very much, and I'm looking forward to the next one! Will happily recommend this to my friends who read the same genre. Thank you for a great read!

By Thomas A. Knight on Sun 30 Dec 2012 12:58:39 am [ Reply ] Hi Terri, and welcome!

I'm really glad you enjoyed The Time Weaver. Thanks a bunch for dropping by. :)

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